Gone Girl

Thoughts  Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, Crown Publishing 2012, 432 pages, Kindle edition

Being of sound mind, solemn and sensible, I hereby declare my inability to decide how best to proceed. Shall I  #1) point you to Sheila’s review or just #2) steal from it and post here; but I also want to #3) send you directly to Softdrink’s hilarious and succinct and very short post on this novel.

Thus, in reverse order of how I presented my dilemma,

you may do the #3) choice and click this —–> CLICK HERE! <—– and go to FizzyThoughts

or you can

select choices #1 & #2) click over or read this, lifted directly from Sheila’s Book Journey blog if you must know what it is about. I think she did a great job of saying what happens and yet leaves out all the fun shocking hilarity of it. She also has a page to discuss all the spoilers if you want to talk more about his novel after you read it.

Nick and Amy’s marriage started out just as you would hope, two people deeply in love.  Nick was handsome and carefree, Amy was beautiful and the “Amy” behind her parents ‘Amazing Amy’ book series which left Amy with quite a little nest egg…
but things are not always as they seem….
As years go by, things change for the happy couple.  Amy gives the majority of her money back to her parents when they hit financial difficulties, then both she and Nick lose their jobs in New York.  Nick’s mom is sick and his dad has Alzheimer’s so the couple moves back to Missouri to be close to his parents and start over.  Amy uses the last large chunk of her inheritance to help Nick and his twin sister Margo purchase a bar.
Now, on their five-year anniversary a very different couple has emerged from where Nick and Amy started.  They can not seem to connect any more and that morning Nick leaves for his bar, only to receive a call shortly after from a neighbor saying something seems wrong at Nick’s home, the door is wide open, the cat who is never allowed outside is on the front step.  Nick comes home to find the living room torn apart, the iron left on, and Amy missing.
As a closer look is taken, and with the help of the clues that Amy left for Nick as she does every year to find his anniversary present, Nick soon becomes the prime suspect. Having his own secrets, Nick works with his sister trying to get to the bottom of what happened to Amy.
but things are not always as they seem….
As the story unfolds…. there is more than meets the eye and a very twisted tale unfolds which really shows that you never know what goes on behind white picket fences and closed doors.

-Borrowed directly from Sheila with her permission.

 (This photo is of a poster hung from the Chicago Cultural Center and it reminded me of something Nick says in the book about wanting to be ordinary.)

Or option #4) ignore the above and just get the book. Have fun!

I give it 5 slices of pie. I enjoyed the heck out of it.

“Do you reckon Tom Sawyer would ever go by this thing? Not for pie, he wouldn’t.”

– Chap 12, page 2, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain


Copyright © 2007-2012. Care’s Online Book Club. All rights reserved. This post was originally posted by Care from Care’s Online Book Club.  It should not be reproduced without express written permission.

36 thoughts on “Gone Girl

    1. I have appreciated how little talk/spoilers are being discussed about this one, compared to most hot books. I probably give too much here, actually. I went in blind.

  1. This book surely is the hot thing, isn’t it? Haven’t bought it yet, but really, I should probably read her other two books that I do own first. 🙂

    1. You have her other books! I want to read them! I am a fan of this author now, a lot of that is knowing she is from my favorite stomping grounds of KS and MO.

  2. I finished Gone Girl last night and my review will post this Thursday. It was one heck of a ride, but I had some issues with it.

    1. Sure, there must have been issues but I didn’t care. I had too much fun. Sometimes, it happens. Rate a book immediately and then refuse to think anymore about it.

  3. I am ignoring this post until I have read the book! Hopefully I will get my hands on it soon. I prefer to to “go in blind” but have already read the Entertainment Weekly review and heard about it on NPR, so I am trying to keep any further information from my ears and eyes.

    1. It is *THE* book this summer, yes? I love that the talk about Fifty has practically almost stopped. Although I did see it in the airport yesterday a few times.

  4. What fun, Care. I’ve read all three of Flynn’s books now and they are all great in different ways. Mr G stayed up all night to finish Gone Girl. I’m heading to Book Journey to read Sheila’s review.

  5. I’ll be going into this book much blinder than I do most very popular books I read after everyone else has already read them. You’re right, people have been staggeringly mum on all the twists and turns! But it’s okay. I shall read the end and discover the secrets for myself. As one does.

    1. Oh boy. I bet it will still be a wild ride for you! You must post a review!! (or I can guest post you if you want to be quiet on your own blog…)

    1. Well, you have a lot going on! It is funny sometimes what I miss in popular culture – I had to google that call me maybe song after the sports guys in the morning were making fun of somebody who didn’t know it and I felt so clueless! I was better of NOT to do that; live and learn.

  6. Fizzy Jill’s review was great! I love that most reviewers aren’t giving anything away and that they can’t find a way to say much about the book that doesn’t. I need to get through some obligations soon so I can get to this one.

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