Halloween Spirit

What do you LOVE about Halloween?   Don’t tell me, tell TI and enter her contest to win a book.   You can tell me, too, if you want.

Do you like horror books?   Want to re-write your own horror story?  Join in with Chartroose and Jack to write a short story in the style of HP Lovecraft.    Scheduled for Halloween night!

What have you read this year that was creepy, scary, made you quiver in fright? 

   Are you dressing up this year?    What will you be?   What will your     kids/ dogs/ cats/ spouse be?

   What was your favorite costume from when you were a kid?

 Why am I asking?   I don’t know, something to do…   Happy Hallowe’en!!   Read something scary, Ok?!

3 thoughts on “Halloween Spirit

  1. I have heard so many good things about ‘We have always..’ and ‘The lace reader’. I can’t wait to read these books.

    Even though I have read a lot of fantastic books this year, unfortunately there is none that has made me truly scared.

    Shirley Jackson is a master! I wasn’t so hip on The Lace Reader, tho. and it certainly wasn’t scary, but it featured witches and it was set in Salem so that sort of makes in Halloweeny, right?

  2. I’m very excited about Halloween this year! I’m having a scary story contest for my 10th grade Literature classes, and I’m going to a party with some of my friends. We’re dressing up as the four season – I’m Spring, which means I’ll probably be pretty cold that night (My costume involves a skirt and flip-flops). As far as reading goes, I need to pick up a copy of In The Woods. I read so much about it during the Read-a-thon, and it sounds really scary! 🙂

    Sounds really fun! I hope Hallween won’t be too cold for you. I want to read In The Woods and the Likeness after that. It’s really getting a lot of great reviews, huh?

  3. I had to read Will Storr vs. the Supernatural by Will Storr during the daylight because it creeped me out. I hate Halloween (because my mother would never let me dress as a fairy princess . . . Mean old woman, she made me a TIN MAN costume, one year — I was encased in a box covered with foil, yeesh). My son usually dresses up in either a gorilla suit, a Star Trek uniform or an alien outfit. He usually gets hot and strips, within a half-hour, but it’s actually cold at the moment.

    I guess my favorite costume as a child was the nurse outfit. I think my mother borrowed a real nurse’s cap from her friend. My “dress” was one of my dad’s white shirts, belted. Really, though, I had the worst costumes on the planet. I hate Halloween.

    OMG! I laughed so hard! I’m sorry you hate Halloween. When we lived in Omaha, we NEVER handed out candy. Turned off all the lights and went out to eat. NO KIDS in restaurants that night and it was always a nice time out. But we didn’t know any neighbors and now, we are surrounded by lil kids…

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