Happy Independence Day Holiday

I will be spending a few days lounging by a lake in Maine for the holiday (thank you Auntie Lil!) and will be bringing the following books with me:

  Ronald W. Clark, Einstein: The Life and Times

I’m really diggin’ it;   I’m barely 100 pages in. 

 Kazuo Ishiguro’s When We Were Orphans. 

I don’t have to take this afterall!  Unless I want to write a review…   I finished it today!  

I can most definitely tell this is an Ishiguro book – very similar style and even similar characterization even if personalities and story lines are vastly different than Never Let Me Go.   Makes me wonder if Remains of the Day will be so obvious an Ishiguro novel, as well, and use the same techniques – if that is an accurate term?    If yes, I may need a break.   I like to mix it up – genre, style, etc.

On the other hand, the story just took an unexpected – HEY! WHAT??!?!?! – kind of turn and I need to jump back to it right now.    DONE.   

  How to Read and Why by Harold Bloom

I’ve accepted a challenge!!!   yea, me!    I’m woefully behind and have yet to even check out the details with true study.   Does this bode not well for me?   sigh.   Rebecca Reads is hosting this challenge. 

 The Way Life Should Be by Christina Baker Kline

I won this from Softdrink!   It arrived yesterday – THANK YOU, Fizzy Beverage!   You are awesome.

 The Soloist by Mark Salzman

My friend Holly gave this to me to read.   I have yet to even read the back cover!   I love not knowing ANYTHING so please don’t tell me.   Oh, you can tell me that you read/reviewed and I’ll read them later, would that be OK?   good.  thank you. 

I have a few other books I could take, too, but we are not driving the SUV this time;  we taking the car.   Less room to pack coolers, sleeping bags, food, dog crate/stuff, luggage, and…    books.

Have a great holiday everyone!  Happy Reading, -Care

PS – I just remembered Anna Karenina! I should be getting back to that.

8 thoughts on “Happy Independence Day Holiday

  1. Sounds like you have a nice, relaxing holiday planned! Enjoy all your books – I haven’t read any of those, so I’m looking forward to your reviews. 🙂

  2. I haven’t really gotten started with the HTR&W challenge Rebecca started, but I did finally get the book! I’m hoping to start over the weekend too — good luck and enjoy the holiday!

  3. Hey no worries about being “behind” on HTR&W. I’ve only gone through the prologue/intros. I just keep thinking of those novels and I know that’s going to take me forever when I get there so that’s why I’m getting started! For me, at least, I don’t have any idea what a reasonable time frame is for all the novels and plays! Glad your excited about it.

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