February is Letter Month! #LetterMo

LetterMo2015square-1024x1024 <– clicking on the button takes you to the official website http://www.lettermo.com.

I am not able to get into the Letter Month website because my email/password seems to be irretrievable so I won’t be vying for any badges and high count contests like I did last year. Oh well. Yes, I tried to create a whole new ‘nother account and it still won’t let me in. Sigh.

But I’m still doing the letter writing! Which is what the whole month is about. I really don’t need the distraction. I’m supposed to be looking for a job, yaknow.

Since the first of the the month, I’ve sent 6 birthday cards, 3 regular ol’ letters which were in response to letters received, 2 copies of the Introduction to Sister Carrie, 1 book package sent “media mail”, and 1 postcard.

I’ve got 4-5 postcards selected to write tomorrow – most inspired by the “SEND COMPLIMENTS on a POSTCARD” challenge per the website and of course, a few birthday cards (to be properly timed), and responses to the letters received in the last few days.

Ahem, did I sign up for Pet Sematary? I do not recall signing up for the Pet Sematary Readalong! Do I hafta?! <– the WHA!? reaction to Jill’s “Save the date” postcard I got today. Hmmph.

Did YOU write any letters this month  yet?  Will you?




Copyright © 2007-2015. Care’s Online Book Club. All rights reserved. This post was originally posted by Care from Care’s Online Book Club. It should not be reproduced without express written permission.

28 thoughts on “February is Letter Month! #LetterMo

  1. I haven’t written any letters this month, but I’ve written postcards! And I will try very hard to write at least one proper letter, and at least one nice note. (It is a sympathy note, and I have been putting it off because I don’t know what to say.)

    1. Post cards TOTALLY count!
      Whenever I write a sympathy card, I google ‘nice things to say in a sympathy card’ and get so many examples, it helps me put my heart thoughts into words. Best, C

  2. Oh! When is the Pet Sematary Read-Along? I might try to get in on that if I can! But I really wanted to listen to IT by Stephen King soon, too, and I probably can’t do both. Good luck with the job search! Can you count cover letters, I wonder?

    1. April, I think. She’ll be announcing soon, she says. That would give you this month and March to do IT, which is Loooooonng… but so good.

  3. Yes, I’ll definitely be writing letters (or postcards) this month. I am on a mission these days to find a pie postcard … My postcard-searching skills must not be very good so I may have to actually make one. You’ve been warned.

    1. I have a few pie postcards that are Valentine’s Day themed. It’s about time for me to get those out. And I appreciate the warning(?) – I will be watching my mailbox!

  4. I wish I was doing better at mailing things because I did want to do this again this year… The post office used to be close and now it is not, so I got slack. 😦

  5. I’ve only mailed one letter this month, just this morning in fact. But hey, maybe you can give me bonus points since it’s to you. 😛 I do have some cards I will be mailing soon, and some postcards I’d like to mail. I do so love that compliment idea; she’s right–why don’t we do that more often? I actually do try, but not nearly as much as I’d like to.

    1. Postcards are easy-entry. Just buy a bunch of postcards stamps and apply them to a stack of postcards – when the whim to write some one hits, you’ll be ready!

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